Facilitating the conduct of business by foreigners
Amendments in force
The December amendment to the Act on the National Court Register abolishes the obligation for natural persons entered into the register to have a PESEL number, unless they are obliged to have one under specific regulations. Instead of the PESEL number, a person’s date of birth is entered into the register, which has the effect of shortening the process of establishing a company by a foreigner; especially if one plans to establish a company via the S24 teleinformatics system.
Another facilitation is the introduction of an obligation for the Minister of Justice to post templates of contracts of: general partnership, limited partnership, simple joint-stock company, limited liability company, and key information on the rules of establishing companies and their further conduct in “another language comprehensible to the largest possible number of foreign language users” on its subject page in the Public Information Bulletin, which means that the templates will most likely appear on the Ministry’s website in English.
Of the other changes that may facilitate the process of opening a company by a foreigner, one should also point out the possibility for limited liability companies in organization to set up a bank account, making it possible to cover the share capital through online banking.
Anticipated further changes to the legislation governing company formation
Corporate lawyers point out that the legislator is planning to introduce provisions regulating the cross-border transfer of a company’s registered office, which will significantly simplify the relocation of companies within the European Union. This change is an implementation of EU directives from the so-called ‘company law package’. The explanatory memorandum to this draft law assumed that these provisions would enter into force on January 31, 2023, however the draft is currently at the stage of being assessed by committees of the Council of Ministers.
The proposed changes aim to increase the digitalization of business affairs. The integration of the National Court Register with the National Criminal Register has been announced, thanks to which entrepreneurs will avoid standing in queues at the court Information Points of the National Criminal Register, and the complete electronification of the establishment of civil partnerships.
Are you a foreigner and you would like to start a business in Poland?
If you have any questions about setting up a business in Poland, please contact our corporate lawyers, who will answer any questions you may have about starting your own business.