How to find the bank accounts of a deceased person?
Looking for bank accounts of deceased in Poland? contact our Law Firm – we will help you!
Determining the bank accounts in Poland of a deceased person is not as simple as it may seem. The testator’s closest family usually knows very well in which bank or banks the testator kept his money. However, for heirs living abroad of Poland or those who did not live with the deceased, it is not obvious and requires taking several actions.
Our inheritance lawyers can help you with finding bank accounts of the deceased in Poland – contact us [email protected]. Otherwise you can try to do this on your own – see below.
How to obtain information about the bank accounts of a deceased person in Poland?
Since 1 July 2016, Polish Law provide that banks and SKOKs (cooperative savings and credit fund) are required to provide collective information on all bank accounts of a deceased person, including joint accounts (without disclosing the details of the joint holder), as well as bank account agreements terminated or expired as a result of death or after 10 years from the date of the last disposition.
Successors looking for banks accounts in Poland belonging to a deceased person can use a service provided by the National Clearing House (KIR) – Central Information on Accounts. This service makes it possible to obtain complete information on accounts of a given person in all banks and SKOKs operating in Poland. It is enough to file an application in any bank personally or through an attorney. The fee for filing the application is determined by each bank individually.
Who can obtain information about bank accounts of a deceased person?
The right to obtain aggregate information on the accounts of a deceased person is held by the succession administrator and heirs (successors).
However, in order to obtain the information it is necessary to present the bank or SKOK in which the application is made with a valid court ruling confirming the acquisition of the inheritance in Poland or a notary deed of confirmation of inheritance. Lack of such documents will result in refusal to accept the application. Often the submission of an application for collective information about bank accounts will have to be preceded by inheritance proceedings of the deceased. Importantly, it is not possible to obtain information on the accounts by those heirs who have not filed a declaration of acceptance of the inheritance in Poland or for whom the deadline for filing a declaration regarding acceptance or rejection of the inheritance has not passed. All information regarding this stage can be explained by our Polish lawyers specializing in inheritance law, who will advise on the fastest way to obtain legal title to the inheritance.
What does the deceased’s collective account information contain?
As per provision of Polish Succession Law – collective account information (in other words report) includes:
– the names of the account operators (bank) and account numbers,
– information whether the account is still maintained,
– information whether the account is a joint account,
– information about account agreements terminated or expired due to the account holder’s death or lack of instructions regarding the account for a period of 10 years.
However, the report will not include information about the amount of funds in the account. In order to obtain this information and withdraw the money, you will have to visit the bank indicated in the report and submit a document confirming the acquisition of the right to inheritance. At this stage, you may need the assistance of an attorney who will represent you in the bank and will help you gather all the documents necessary to obtain information on the account’s balance and then disburse the funds accumulated in the accounts or settle debts that the deceased did before his death.