Online fiscal cash registers will be introduced, but later
Initially, the first online fiscal cash registers were to be introduced on June 30, 2020. Currently, due to the state of the COVID-19 epidemic, according to the project, the first group of taxpayers, which will include catering and hotel premises and fuel sellers, may keep records of sales under „old” rules until December 31, 2020.
The second group of taxpayers, among which are, among others entities providing hairdressing, cosmetic and cosmetological services, construction, medical, dental, legal, fitness, may register sales through old cash registers until June 30, 2021.
The new cash registers are to be certified by the Central Office of Measures. According to the Deputy Minister of Finance Jan Sarnowski, online cash registers will be a safe, common and simple solution which, thanks to certification and security, will ensure the integrity and unquestionability of sales made using them (