Employment & labor law /

We know who is the target of the National Labor Inspectorate in 2019

On January 15, the National Labor Inspectorate published the inspection plan for 2019. In the current year, the NLI planned the beginning of long-term control and prevention activities in specific entities and subject areas.

Industries controlled by the National Labor Inspectorate in 2019:
Construction sector;
2. Food industry – in the food industry, in which serious accidents are registered, including while operating machines, inspectors will assess the safety of the processing of fruits and vegetables using automated processing lines. The subject of interest of the inspectors will also include: the level of preparation of employees for work, amounts of accidents and compliance with regulations in transport and storage, including manual transport work;
3. Forestry Services Company;
4. Plants producing sawmill products and wooden products
– controls in this area are a continuation of activities undertaken in 2017-2018 and will include, among others, conducting tests and measurements of factors harmful to health in the work environment, including dusts and substances or mixtures with carcinogenic potential;
5. Municipal services department;
6. Agricultural enterprises;
7. Selected facilities with a high scale of threats – this is primarily about facilities with a large number of employees providing work in hazardous or harmful conditions to health;
8. Facilities with occurring exposure to carcinogenic or mutagenic agents – control activities in this area will be undertaken as part of the implementation of the campaign of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work on hazardous substances. The controls will cover employers with carcinogenic or mutagenic agents.

Author team leader DKP Legal Alicja Myśluk-Landowska
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