Entrepreneurs – note the short deadline to take advantage of reduced energy prices!
On June 29, the Act of 13 June 2019 amending the Act on the Amendment of the Excise Duty Act and Certain Other Acts, the Act on Energy Efficiency and the Act on Biocomponents and Liquid Biofuels entered into force.
Apart from numerous changes, which mainly concern entities from the energy sector, there are also those that will be of particular interest to final recipients, and therefore to all entities using electricity. According to the explanatory memorandum to the act, complicated regulation matter, different contracting methods and scale (over 17 million final recipients), as well as the need to correct the adopted mechanism and provisions of the Act of 28th of December 2018 and the need to protect final recipients (in particular households) has led to a situation in which it is necessary to stabilize electricity prices in 2019.
After the adoption of the amendment, the situation of approx. 98% of final recipients (i.e. the price of electricity) will not change in the second half of 2019 compared to the situation in the first half of 2019, i.e. those consumers will pay a reduced price throughout 2019 (price from 2018). Medium and large enterprises in the second half of 2019 will be covered by de minimis aid, and energy-intensive enterprises will be the beneficiary of the mechanism, which will be introduced by the act on the compensation system for energy-consuming sectors and subsectors.
However, using the facilities of the amendment may require the recipients to perform certain actions:
- Households do not need to worry (as well as final recipients using tariff group G) because energy company will be responsible for lowering prices;
- Hospitals, units of the financial sector public, micro and small enterprises will have to submit a relevant declaration within 28 days from the date of entry into force of the act (the template of declaration is attached to the Act and is available on the websites of energy companies) to take advantage of reduced prices;
- Medium and large enterprises will have to submit an application to the Settlement Management Board S.A. (Zarządca Rozliczeń S.A.) for de minimis aid (a form of public support for entrepreneurs);
- Energy-intensive enterprises are to receive support under the Act on the system of compensation for energy-consuming sectors and sub-sectors.
To summarize the above, special attention must be paid to the entrepreneurs because it is their responsibility to perform certain activities in order to benefit from the amendment. Again, we emphasize that for micro and small enterprises from June 29, 2019, a 28-day deadline for submitting the declaration of the final recipient of electricity takes place. In the case of medium and large entrepreneurs, they have the option of applying for de minimis aid in the field of settlements for the third and fourth quarters of 2019. The recipient of this application is Zarządca Rozliczeń S.A. (https://www.zrsa.pl/).
The act is intended to affect the activity of micro, small, medium and large enterprises by eliminating the risk of exposing them to a sudden rise in electricity prices in 2019, and also to protect the household budget.
We invite you to contact ourLaw Firm, which provides support in the submission of applications and statements to energy entrepreneurs, as well as to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office.