PolishCloud 2.0 – new cloud computing standard 2022
A second iteration of the cloud computing standard
According to the Polish Bank Association (Związek Banków Polskich | ZBP), PolishCloud 2.0 constitutes a response to the dynamic development of cloud services in the banking sector and numerous publications of the Polish regulator (KNF) on cloud computing.
The experience on cloud implementations gained by ZBP and market participants was a starting point for ZBP, the Electronic Banking Council (Rada Bankowości Elektronicznej), and the Banking Technology Forum (Forum Technologii Bankowych), with the active participation of cloud service providers and consulting companies, to develop a new improved version of the cloud computing standard, constituting a set of practices and solutions enabling banks in Poland to smoothly move through the migration process to the cloud services, both from the perspective of the organization and individual business processes [link: https://zbp.pl/Dla-Bankow/Bankowosc-elektroniczna/PolishCloud]
New Standard is based on KNF recommendations
The PolishCloud 2.0 standard includes the requirements set out in the KNF communication of 23rd January 2020 regarding the processing of information by supervised entities in a public or hybrid cloud. In addition, the standard takes into account the „Questions and Answers (Q&A)” posted on the KNF website relating to cloud computing.
The topics discussed in the Standard include, among others a study on the situation in which the cloud computing service is also the so-called banking outsourcing. In addition, the Standard also includes sample documents and templates that can be used by the bank in preparation for the implementation of the cloud service.
Are other market participants bound by PolishCloud 2.0?
As a rule, the standard may be used as an exemplary model of conduct (framework) by the banking sector entities in cloud-based implementations, while its application should always take into account the specifics of the activity of a given bank.
PolishCloud 2.0 may also be used as a framework by entities outside the banking sector (for example by domestic payment institutions, small payment institutions, and electronic money institutions), however having in mind the potential legal issues, which are specific only to the banking sector.
Cloud computing framework tailored to your organization – contact our lawyers
If you are in search of creating or implementing a Cloud computing framework in your organization contact our banking lawyers in Poland