Reporting obligations of telecom operators in Poland in 2022
Our Polish telecom lawyers to remind of upcoming reporting obligations under Telecommunications Law (TL).
Reporting under Article 7 of Polish Telecommunications Act
The deadline for submitting the telecommunications activity report for the previous calendar year falls on March 31, 2022. As per Polish Law – Polish telecommunications companies are required to submit the forms only in electronic form via a dedicated Electronic Services Platform of the Office of Electronic Communications (PUE) available at
Submitting the report in any other way will be equivalent to failing to comply with the reporting obligation under Article 7 of the Polish Telecom Law. Please be advised that on the Electronic Services Platform, the forms for a correct report for 2021 are available under the name Report under Article 7 of the Telecommunications Law – 2020-2021. In order to submit the report, you must have a Trusted Profile and an account on the Electronic Services Platform of UKE
The obligation to submit reports on telecommunications activities by means of reporting forms applies to all telecommunications entrepreneurs in Poland, regardless of the amount of revenue received in the reporting year from the provision of telecommunications services.
All information on logging in, setting up an account, and help can be found at
Reporting under Article 29 of the Act on supporting the development of telecommunications networks and services
In addition, please be advised that the telecommunications companies in Poland are required to provide UKE with information on telecommunications infrastructure, public telecommunications networks and buildings enabling collocation, provided telephone services, data transmission services providing broadband Internet access and radio and television programme distribution services, provided on the basis of telecommunications infrastructure and public telecommunications networks providing broadband Internet access.
All data, together with the statements referred to in Article 29.2b of the aforementioned Act, should be submitted in SIIS: by March 31, 2022.
All information and tools supporting the inventory process are available and updated in the SIIS System Help tab:
At the same time, it should be noted that if an operator has in electronic form data on technical infrastructure other than the infrastructure covered by the inventory, as well as on technological ducts and investment plans, it is obliged to provide them after logging in the Telecom Information Point system ( The act does not provide for the obligation to convert the data into electronic form, so if the entity does not have them in this form, it is exempt from the above obligation. Similarly as in the case of the inventory, the data should be submitted to the PIT system by 31 March 2022. This obligation results from Article 29c of the Act on supporting the development of telecommunication networks and services.
Detailed information on PIT reporting can be found at: and