Role in the Law Firm
- Managing Partner since 2014
- Head of Foreign Investment Practice specialized in navigating expansion and investments projects in Poland
- Graduate of University of Cambridge (Diploma in British and European Union Law)
- Graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University (Master of Law)
- Ex-researcher at the Commercial and Regulatory Department of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Lecturer of Regulatory, Antitrust Law, Competition Law and Aviation Law
- Member of Local Bar Association
- Advisor to various industry associations, e.g.: mining, aviation, fruit processing, explosives.
Experience and achievements:
- Experienced advisor to number of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Partners in execution of East European projects
- World Bank Expert regarding regulatory aspects of Polish Law
- Experienced in acting as Polish Law Expert in front of foreign courts, incl. The Queen’s Bench Division, High Court in United Kingdom
- Author of regulatory legal opinions submitted in legislative process to Polish Parliament and European Commission
M&A and Investment Attorney:
- Mr Dudkowiak predominantly advises to international corporations their investment ventures in Poland
- Experienced in advisory to foreign investors in greenfield and brownfield projects in Poland
- Expert in Mergers and Acquisitions, negotiator in number of notable projects and advisor in M&A projects financing
- Leader in acquisition transactions e.g. in mining, food, media, FMCG and real estate industry
Regulatory Attorney:
- Recognized and awarded regulatory attorney with academic background
- Leading specialist in Aviation law in Poland, advisor to top world airlines and aviation industry players
- Expert in Mining and Environmental protection law
- Experienced in advisory in Food and Agriculture industry
- Author of legal opinions addressed to Polish Parliament and European Commission
- Expert witness regarding Polish law in front of foreign courts
Antitrust and Competition Law Expert:
- Expert in antitrust and competition law in Poland, awarded and recommended by international magazines
- Represents in front of Competition and Antitrust Authority of Poland (UOKiK) in cases and projects related to:
- merger control
- cartel and anti-competitive agreements
- abuse of dominant position
- abuse of contractual advantage in food industry
- late payment
- Trains, advises and represents in antirust dawn raid inspections in Poland
- Author of legal opinions for European Commission regarding Polish regulation on abuse of contractual advantage in food industry
- Author of legal articles in Rzeczpospolita and Dziennika Gazeta Prawna daily
- Author of numerous publications and guidebooks regarding investment in Poland and Polish legal regulations in various international legal magazines (Lexology, Mondaq, ICLG).
- Polish and English
My articles