Exporting works of art from Poland – regulations, permits, and compliance
Tax changes from 2025 – Are you prepared?
Poland’s Telecom Regulation 2024: Implementing Essential EU Standards
Amendment of Mining Law – Strategic Deposits
Polish Embargo on Ukrainian Agricultural Products
Transfer Pricing / Poland – Transactions with Tax Havens
Taxation of employment revenue of Ukrainian citizens in Poland
Air transport in Poland – 2021
Company registrations by foreign investors in Poland
Foreign direct investment in Poland resisted the pandemic
In 2021 number of foreign investments in Poland increased
Company and employees relocation from Ukraine to Poland
Reporting obligations of telecom operators in Poland in 2022
Commercial real estate investment is recovering in Poland
Bankruptcies in Poland in 2021 at record low level
Record-breaking company registration
M&A in Poland in 2021 – summary
Rent arrears of tenants in Poland
Debts of Polish companies are growing faster than pandemic
Petition regarding Amendment of Polish PNR Regulation
New contractual advantage act signed by the President
Changes in the Polish PNR Act (Aviation Law)
Mandatory stocks dematerialisation
Mandatory Shares Dematerialization in Poland
M&A: ZELMER will remain on market as well as in Polish households! B&B, represented by DKP, acquires the brand from BSH Group. Eurogama sp. z.o.o. will be the exclusive distributor in Poland
Legal opinion of Barrister-at-law Michał Dudkowiak regarding the draft of superiority act made public on the website of the European Commission
Guide for 2019 – registration of a limited liability company by foreign investors in Poland
Amendment to the contractual advantage act – reference prices
Reference prices for agri-food products – amendment to the act on contractual advantage
Contractual advantage – novelty: (1) UOKiK calls on entrepreneurs to change practices (2) Decision on Dohler
Merger control – M&A with investment fund participation
Portuguese Groundlink with a license of the Civil Aviation Office for ground handling at 3 Polish airports!
Interesting M&A in a 1st quarter of 2019
Another article made by a lawyer from the Dudkowiak Kopeć Putyra law firm in the press!
Joint Venture in M&A transactions and merger control in Poland
Pyramid sales
Avalanche Promotion Schemes
UOKiK reservations to acquisition of Cinema 3D by Multikino
Coal import in 2018 increase again by 50% !
M&A market in Poland in Q4 2018
Merger Control – UOKiK (Office of Competition and Consumer Protection) has summed up 2018
Obligatory contracting of agricultural products
Release of a new Guidebook on Offshore Software Development in Poland!
The new regulations allow attorneys-at-law and legal advisors to submit financial statements of entities entered into the National Court Register
The scope of application of the act on contractual advantage
Acquisition of ACP Europe and Eurocylinder by Air Products – UOKiK’s objections
New regulations on cosmetics market in Poland
Description of amendment to the Act on Counteracting Unfair Use of Contractual Advantage in Agricultural and Food Products Trade.
Omnibus directive
Qumak S.A. – bankruptcy motion
Amendments to Polish debt enforcement law
New rules on leasing settlement
Registration of yachts and other vessels – new, unified regulations.
Cybersecurity law in Poland
The obligation to submit data regarding beneficiaries of actual Polish companies since October 13, 2019
New regulation considering limitation periods for property claims
Implementation of the MIFiD II Directive in Poland and emission allowances
SPA on Warsaw Stock Exchange
Barrister Michal Dudkowiak for The Legal 500
New regulations on registration and liquidation of branches of foreign companies in Poland
Creative works costs calculation in Poland
First UOKiK decision on contractual advantage in trade with agricultural and food products
Changes in debt enforcement procedure in Poland
Agricultural procurement contract in Polish Civil Law
Trademark protection upon the provisions of Polish act on combating unfair competition
Simplifications in investment and construction process
100 days of Act on counteracting contractual advantage
The basis of excise tax on the sale of electricity to the prosumer
Changes in limitation period in Polish Law
Proposition of establishing Directorate for Environmental Protection in Poland
Arbitration clause in Poland
Preliminary contract in Polish law
Breach in limitation on acqusition of agricultural lands | Resolution of Polish Supreme Court
Mediation in Polish cilvil proceedings
Public holudays in Poland and working hours
European Order for Payment – procedure and feasibility
Challenging the zoning plan in Poland
Recognition of foreigns arbitral awards in Poland
New Polish Act on combating contractual advantage
Legal restrictions regarding the purchase of agricultural real property
Amendment to draft of Agricultural Market Agency Act is expected to reach Polish Parliament
Bid bond in Polish law
Amendment of Polish adminsitrative proceedigns
Setting up casino in Poland
Retention the aircraft in Poland
Cash pooling – taxation issues (CIT, VAT and Civil Law Transactions Tax)
Polish Aviation Law | Seizure of the aircraft
Remedial proceedings – new article regarding Debt Collection in Poland
The proposal of amendment to Polish civil procedure – interview with barrister Michał Dudkowiak