Interesting M&A in a 1st quarter of 2019
Technological takeover by McDonald’s
McDonald’s spends more than 300 million USD on acquisition of Dynamic Yield Ltd. – a technology company specializing in automating the menu modification process depending on selected factors (e.g. weather). Implementation of the software of the acquired company in McDonald’s restaurants is to increase the competitiveness of this franchise by personalizing the menu.
M & A on the near-bank market
Kruk dealing, among other, in court and out-of-court debt collection and the provision of detective services in the second half of March submitted to UOKiK (Polish Office for Competition and Consumer Protection) a motion regarding the takeover of control over The subject of’s activity is the provision of short-term and installment consumer loans.
Merger on the global banking market
Deutsche Bank has been struggling with serious problems for some time, one of them being a number of ongoing investigations regarding money laundering. The remedy is to be a merger with the second banking giant Commerzbank. Talks are currently under way. As a result of such a merger, the third largest bank in the world (just after HSBC and BNP Paribas) would have been created, with assets of over 1.8 billion euro.
Takeover in the brewing market
At the end of February, UOKiK issued unconditional consent for the purchase by Grupa Żywiec of 100% shares in Browar Namysłów sp. z o.o. from Chicago Poland Investment Group. Thus, the condition precedent from the sale agreement concluded between the entities in November 2018 was met. Grupa Żywiec in the issued statement informed about the intention to complete the transaction and purchase shares without delay. In the contract obliging the price for 100% shares in the company Browar Namysłów sp. z o.o. was set at 500 million PLN.
Repolonization by taking over the beverage market
Czech-Slovak Kofola sold Hoop Polska to Ustronianka. This means that the Ustronianka water producer in Poland took over the production and distribution of beverages such as Hoop Cola, Jupik, Arctic + mineral water and Paola fruit syrups, as well as Nestea drinks.
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