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Citizens will face a double increase in the minimum wage? We know the minimum wage in 2023

On September 15, 2022, a regulation of the Council of Ministers was published, from which we can find out the amount of the minimum wage in Poland in 2023. The regulation also shows the amount of minimum hourly wage in Poland in 2023. However, it is not just the amounts specified in the regulation that are surprising. For the first time, the minimum wages will change twice in one year. The regulation provides that the minimum wage will increase from January 1, 2023, and then again from July 1, 2023. These changes are caused by a high inflation rate in Poland.

What will be the minimum wage in 2023?

According to the law, the minimum wage rates for 2023 in Poland are as follows:

From January 1, 2023 – PLN 3,490 gross, which means that the minimum wage will increase by PLN 480 compared to the amount in force in 2022 (PLN 3,010).

From July 1, 2023 – PLN 3,600 gross, which means that the minimum wage will increase by PLN 590, compared to the amount in force in 2022.

Therefore, in 2023 the minimum net wage in Poland will reach even PLN 2,783.

How much will the hourly rate be in 2023?

The minimum hourly rate for work under civil law contracts will also increase. In 2023 the hourly wage in Poland are as follows:

From January 1, 2023 – PLN 22.80 gross.

From July 1, 2023 – PLN 23.50 gross.

The minimum wage in Poland increased by 111%

During a press conference on Tuesday, September 13, the Prime Minister announced that, compared to 2015, the minimum wage in 2023 increased by as much as 111% – from PLN 1,286.16 net in 2015 to PLN 2,709.48 net in 2023. Prime Minister also added that the amount of the minimum wage is to be a signpost for employers and help them see how the wage realities are shaped on the market. The Prime Minister also added that currently the unemployment level in Poland is the second lowest in the European Union. According to estimates, the minimum wage increase is to affect over 3 million people in Poland.

Increase in employee benefits

Labor law specialists from our law firm remind you that the increase in the minimum wage affects not only earnings, but also other important benefits for employees. The amount of the minimum wage influence also, for example, the allowance for work at night, remuneration for downtime, severance pay, compensation for violation of the principles of equal treatment in employment or even contributions to the Social Insurance Institution. By increasing the minimum wage, the daily amounts of sickness benefits in 2023 will also increase.

Please contact the lawyers from the labor law department for comprehensive advice on calculating salaries and employee benefits: [email protected]

You if want to learn more about employment law in Poland – check our online guide: Employment Law in Poland.

Author team leader DKP Legal Joanna Kowal
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