Category: All news
Tax customs & excise

Documentation of correcting invoices from 1.01.2021

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Criminal law

The campaign was launched: “ATTENTION! CYBER FRAUDSTER!”

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Tax customs & excise

Changes in VAT Export rules from 1.01.2021

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Higher penalties for fiscal petty offences
Tax customs & excise

Higher penalties for fiscal petty offences

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Companies & corporate law

Fiscal representative of a real estate company in Poland

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Debt collection

Deletion of the debtor from the land and mortgage register and enforcement from real estate in the light of the resolution of the Supreme Court of November 27, 2020

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Employment & labor law

The changes expected by employers are coming up – checks of employees’ sobriety by employers may again be legal

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Employment & labor law

New information obligations towards ZUS and an increase in the minimum wage – important changes in the labor law from January 1, 2021

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Banking & Fintech

National payment institutions – new regulation describing license motion documents

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Real estate

From 2021, flat-rate rental tax also for entrepreneurs

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Katowicki Spodek.
Tax customs & excise

Tax advisors of our Law Firm inform that as per newest Supreme Court ruling not everyone will pay a lower tax for industrial silos, elevators or tanks

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Personal data protection

More than PLN 1 MLN fine imposed for failure to implement adequate technical and organizational data protection measures

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Administrative law

Unconstitutionality of the provisions of the covid regulation introducing restrictions on economic activity

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Tax return
Tax customs & excise

SLIM VAT from 1 January 2021

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65-071 Zielona Góra
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