Category: Immigration law
Immigration law

PKO BP introduces e-Identity | Simplified access to online public services

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Immigration law

KNF’s position on the breakthrough judgment of the CJEU in “franc” cases

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Immigration law

What’s next with the REIT Act?

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Immigration law

Bailiff service in matters of labor law – no more fiction of delivery, but in practice only for sued employees

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Immigration law

Legal opinion of Barrister-at-law Michał Dudkowiak regarding the draft of superiority act made public on the website of the European Commission

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Immigration law

A crucial judgment of the CJEU regarding franc loans

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Immigration law

KNF position on the EBA guidelines on outsourcing of payment services

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Immigration law is punished with a record penalty for violating the provisions of the GDPR

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Immigration law

A family foundation in the light of the Green Paper of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology published in September 2019

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Immigration law

The Financial Supervision Authority and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection warn about the risk of investing in aparthotels and condo hotels

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Immigration law

Controversial draft amendment to geological and mining law

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Immigration law

Reduced PIT to 17% for employees and increased tax deductible costs for employees from October

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Immigration law

The PPK implementation procedure – 10 basic steps

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Immigration law

KNF and KIR team up to develop blockchain in Poland

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