Coming soon! Complete implementation of DSA in Poland
When should the money hit your account? Key payment deadlines in agricultural trade
Reporting obligations of companies in Poland
Forfeiture of an enterprise in criminal proceedings
Criminal liability for participation in an organized criminal group
Securing evidence by a court bailiff. An effective alternative to court actions
Lawsuit for dissolution of a limited liability company
Agricultural biogas plants in Poland. Planned facilities for investors in Poland in 2023
Exclusion of a shareholder from a limited liability company
Invalidation of the resolution of the shareholders of a limited liability company
Claim to repeal of shareholders’ resolution of a limited liability company
Consequences of failure to grant discharge to the governing bodies of a Polish capital company
Unlocking investments in wind energy in Poland
New holding law in Poland
New solutions to prevent “company thefts”
Leasing in Poland in 2021
Fraudulent transfers in Poland 2021
The Sejm of the Republic of Poland adopted amendments to the Broadcasting Act (“lex TVN”), which affect entities from outside the EEA
The topic of media repolonization returns. The Polish Parliament is working on an amendment to the Broadcasting Act
Reservation agreement with the developer in the light of the new regulations
Trials of local governments with the State Treasury will begin to cover hospital debts
Transformation of a limited partnership into a general partnership in the light of corporate income tax (CIT
Important changes in the decision on environmental conditions
Liability of the company’s management board member for tax liabilities
CJEU judgment concerning a taxi ordering application
Projected changes in the scope of holding hearings and sessions in civil cases
Deletion of the debtor from the land and mortgage register and enforcement from real estate in the light of the resolution of the Supreme Court of November 27, 2020
Unconstitutionality of the provisions of the covid regulation introducing restrictions on economic activity
The EU and the UK have a Brexit deal
Penalizing failure to file for bankruptcy
Projected changes in terms of the terms of office of the bodies of a limited liability company and a joint-stock company
Senate work on CIT for limited partnerships
Compensation in a criminal trial in the latest jurisprudence of the Supreme Court
Expropriation of real estate under a contract of sale and the amount of damages
Simplifications in the act on foreigners
Extension of real estate tax installments under the COVID-19 Act
CIT for general partnerships and limited partnerships
Supervisory Board of a limited liability company in the light of the proposed amendment to the Commercial Companies Code
Management Board of a limited liability company in the light of the proposed amendment to the Commercial Companies Code
Group of companies in the light of the proposed amendment to the Commercial Companies Code
Shield 4.0 a changes in public procurement
Shield 4.0 a changes in the ban on competing activities
Working capital grants for medium-sized enterprises from the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP)
Proceedings in intellectual property cases. New regulations
Invalidity of the transfer of ownership to secure residential property art. 3871 C.C.
Changes in the compulsory dematerialisation of shares introduced by the Anti-Crisis Shield 3.0 regulations
Financial shield of the Polish Development Fund. Basic conditions for obtaining support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
Rules of participation in the shareholders meetings of sp. z o.o. using electronic means of communication in the light of the new legislative solutions adopted on March 31, 2020
Contractual penalty in case of withdrawal from the contract
Does combating the COVID-19 epidemic allow public authorities to interfere in the operation of private companies?
Whether a private company can provide critical infrastructure to ensure public security in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic
Liability of persons in public office for failure to comply with court judgments ordering action to protect air quality. Comments on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU of December 19, 2019
Material liability of an employee acting as the President of the Management Board of a limited liability company for damage to the employer’s assets in the light of the latest Supreme Court case-law
Copyright protection synopsis of an audiovisual work
Civil law claims of the owner of a property burdened with transmission easement in the light of the latest Supreme Court case-law
Lease of property copyrights to the trademark – tax implications
Contract of evidence in disputes between traders
Protection of the rights of the performer in the light of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of November 14, 2019
Compensation for copyright infringement in the light of the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of November 5, 2019, P 14/19
Right to request removal of links from an internet search engine and to „be forgotten” in the light of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of September 24th, 2019 in Case C-507/17, Google Inc.
The results of the demolition of one of the two separate premises located in a single-family residential building in the light of the resolution of the Supreme Court of May 16, 2019, III CZP 1/19
Better access to consumer bankruptcy from March 24, 2020
A family foundation in the light of the Green Paper of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology published in September 2019
Management and supervision in a simple joint-stock company by the board of directors
The effectiveness of a non-competition clause in an employment contract requires its substantiation